May 17-18, 2025
A team may consist of 2 to 3 members. All team members must fish together i.e., fish from same boat, shoreline, etc. Passengers are allowed in the boat, but cannot fish.
Entry fee: $200.00 per team.
Teams are required to register online at www.flaminggorgefishderby.com by May 11th or up to a maximum of 400 teams. Payment of registration will serve as a liability waiver for all team participants.
All teams must check in for team registration at Lucerne Valley Marina on Friday May 16, 2025, no later than 8:00 pm. Registration opens at 11:00 am.
Captains must be 18 years or older.
Fishing times: Saturday – 5:30 am to 6:00 pm and Sunday – 5:30 am to 1:00 pm.
Prizes will be awarded for the heaviest fish in the following categories: 1) Rainbow Trout/Cutthroat Trout, 2) Kokanee Salmon, 3) Bass, 4) Channel Catfish, 5) Brown Trout, 6) Youth (13 and under). Trophy Lake Trout will be based on length and is explained below. Only one fish per category per angler may be entered throughout the tournament.
Fish to be released must not be removed from the water and brought into the boat. Once in the boat that fish becomes part of that angler's daily limit. Participants must decide, while the fish is in the water, if it is big enough to harvest for entry into the contest. Exception for Trophy Lake Trout category explained below.
Fish must be registered at Lucerne Marina, Cedar Springs Marina or Buckboard Marina weigh stations no later than one half (1/2) hour after the close of each tournament day. This means scales will be open from 6:00 am to 6:30 pm on Saturday and 6:00 am to 1:30 pm on Sunday. No exceptions.
All entries, except the Trophy Lake Trout will be based on weight, in case of a tie, length will be the determining factor.
If the Trophy Lake Trout category is not filled, the prize money will be divided and paid into the other categories.
The Derby is subject to cancellation due to weather conditions. The cancellation decision will be made by Derby officials, Lucerne Marina, the US Forest Service or Utah DWR. Anglers will be notified by Marine Band Radio, text or email.
All contestants must observe all US Coast Guard, Wyoming Game & Fish, Utah DWR, Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation, US Forest Service, and Daggett/Sweetwater County rules and regulations concerning sport fishing and safe boating on Flaming Gorge Reservoir. This includes UT & WY AIS regulations.
All of Lake Flaming Gorge is included in the tournament. No boundaries, except for no fishing inside of the buoys of Buckboard, Lucerne & Cedar Springs Marinas.
Closing ceremony will be at Lucerne Valley Marina where prizes will be awarded on Sunday, May 18, 2025 at approximately 3:00 pm. Cash prizes may increase or decrease depending upon the number of entries.
There will be a heaviest, average team weight category for the Pup Lake Trout (see #5 of prize qualifications). All fish entered are subject to examination by fisheries biologists and derby officials.
BASS MAY ONLY BE CAUGHT IN UTAH WATERS and weighed at either Lucerne Valley Marina or Cedar Springs Marina. Any contestant caught with bass in their possession in Wyoming will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
Registration cancellations are non-refundable. Your registration will be forfeited or carried over to the following year.
Violation of regulations: All contestants must have a valid fishing license. Any participant who is cited for a violation of WGFD or UDWR Fishing, Watercraft or Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations while participating in the contest from 5:30 am on May 17th through 1:00 pm on May 18th, will be disqualified.
Culling is not permitted. The decision to release a fish or keep it for contest entry must be made immediately upon capture. Any fish caught that is not to be entered into the contest shall be immediately released to the water with as little injury to the fish as possible. Once a fish is put on a stringer, in a container or in a live well it cannot be released. Participants violating this rule will be disqualified.
AIS Inspection requirements: Any contest watercraft coming from out of the state of Wyoming from March 1 through November 30, or that were last used on a suspect water, positive water or infested water, are required to undergo a mandatory inspection by an authorized AIS inspector prior to launching in Wyoming. In addition, contestants must insure all boats are Cleaned, Drained and Dry prior to launching. Participants violating that regulation will be disqualified. Derby Captains must provide their “Mussel Aware Certification” number from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and watercraft bow number in order to complete online registration. Please go to https://stdofthesea.utah.gov/ for more information and to complete the certification.
Trophy Lake Trout only: The large Lake Trout in Flaming Gorge are a resource that the Flaming Gorge Fish Derby, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Wyoming Game & Fish want to protect. We are providing a catch and release option for entering trophy Lake Trout into the derby. Lake Trout will not be weighed but will be measured for overall length. Fish must be freshly caught and be a minimum length of 40-inches for entry eligibility.
Note: In order for the fish to qualify, the picture must be taken from directly above the fish, not at an angle. The entire front of the ruler and line of the ruler must be clearly visible. The snout must be clearly visible at the beginning line of the ruler and the tail clearly visible in relationship to the ruler.
Digital Option – Via MyCatch App:
All contestants entering in the Trophy Lake Trout category must read and acknowledge the detailed rules provided when registering for the tournament at Angler Atlas.
Once accepted into the tournament, download the free MyCatch mobile app which is available for both iOS (Apple App Store) and Android (Google Play Store) and login to activate the tournament on the app using the same login email and password that you used to login to the Angler’s Atlas website.
The app works out of cell range, and catches will synchronize with the server once the user opens the app when back in cell range, or via a Wi-Fi signal. Photos are date, time, and location stamped to the moment that they are taken. If the catches are not synced by the prizing deadline, they will not qualify for prizes.
Any ties will be resolved by which fish is caught first.
IMPORTANT: Arguing against or trying to attribute reason as to why any of the above rules could not be followed will have ZERO bearing on the ruling of a rejected fish. “It was cold/windy” or “My partner can verify...” will not be considered, and NO exceptions will be made. It is the angler’s responsibility to review their photo thoroughly and submit an acceptable photo based on the above rules.
Harvest Option:
If a participant does not register the fish using MyCatch, then the actual fish will need to be entered at one of the weigh stations. Per Wyoming Game & Fish and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources regulations, fish entered at a weigh station must be dead prior to leaving the lake.
Trophy Lake Trout only: The large Lake Trout in Flaming Gorge are a resource that the Flaming Gorge Fish Derby, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Wyoming Game & Fish want to protect. We are providing a catch and release option for entering trophy Lake Trout into the derby. Lake Trout will not be weighed but will be measured for overall length. Fish must be freshly caught and be a minimum length of 40-inches for entry eligibility.
Note: In order for the fish to qualify, the picture must be taken from directly above the fish, not at an angle. The entire front of the ruler and line of the ruler must be clearly visible. The snout must be clearly visible at the beginning line of the ruler and the tail clearly visible in relationship to the ruler.
Digital Option – Via MyCatch App:
Harvest Option: